Happy Friday!
/Happy Friday! I say on Fridays, all day on Fridays. I say with relentless enthusiasm.
Happy Friday! I say to everyone. I say it to people I don’t even like. That’s how good Fridays are.
Happy Friday! Fridays are always happy.
Going to do some knitting this weekend
Happy Friday! TGIF! "Everybody’s working for the weekend" and it’s almost here, it’s coming, so close. We only have to sacrifice 8 more hours to Cubelife before we can have time for ourselves, to be ourselves.
Happy Friday! I say as if Friday were an actual holiday, a holy day, a holy day I don’t hesitate to put all of my faith in.
Happy Friday! the holy day of the God of Potential and the Goddess of Gettin’ Shit Done. What can’t we hope to do when Friday morning dawns? So praise the last day of the work week.
Happy Friday!